ERTMSEuropean Rail Traffic Management System is the international standard voor railway safety. ERTMS is implemented in both train and track.
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ERTMS is a digital train protection system that passes information about speeds and braking distances to drivers via a digital system. All the information they need to control the train is on a screen in the cab. Read more

ERTMS is required to prepare Dutch railways for the future. Our current system relies on technology that is at least 50 years old. It is also required to meet European norms and to more easily allow trains to travel abroad by introducing a single European standard. The switch from an analogue to digital system will demand a lot from the sector and is a major change project.  Read more

Part of the network in the Netherlands will be converted during the first roll-out of the project. We will start with the seven most important international track sections, as well as the Northern lines in the provinces of Groningen and Friesland. In addition to the work required to be done on the track, more than 15,000 rail professionals will need to be trained and trains will need to be converted. Read more

ERTMS is already installed in some places in the Netherlands. We will build ERTMS on the seven most important route sections and the Northern lines between now and 2031. We will then continue to work on the roll-out throughout the rest of the Netherlands. The entire Dutch track system and all the trains on it need to be equipped by 2050. Read more

ERTMS affects everyone in the rail sector. From driver to manager and from director to train dispatcher. This is why all railway parties must work together. All the pieces of the puzzle need to fall into place for the system to work. And this is true both now and in the future. Read more

We will switch from the existing ATB to the new ERTMS in ten steps. This is a major change that requires time, attention and preparations. We will start with the trains and then adapt the infrastructure. Read more
